Google Ads Credits Click Return

Google announce $340 million in Google Ads Credits

Google Ads Credits

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet announced Google support package for business.

Google announced its support package of $340 million dollars in Google Ads credits for small & medium businesses.

Why is Google offering ad credits to small and medium businesses?

Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of our communities. They represent about 90 percent of all businesses and more than half of employment worldwide, according to the World Bank.
COVID-19 has posed a particular challenge to these businesses, who may be facing closures and declining revenue even as they find ways to support and protect their employees. The Google Ads Credits is our gesture to show support and solidarity with these businesses as they continue to engage with their customers.

Who is eligible for the ad credit?

Small and medium sized businesses globally, who have spent with a Google Ads account in ten out of twelve months of 2019, and in January and/or February of this year. Eligible customers are those who advertised directly with us or through a partner, and adhere to our advertising policies.

How will the ad credit work?

This is an ad credit for future Google Ads spend. It will not be applied to billed / invoiced past or current Google Ads spend. These ad credits will be applicable across the Google Ads platform including Search, Display, and YouTube as well as all campaign types.

When will eligible customers receive the ad credit?

Starting in late May, we will begin rolling out the ad credit in phases. Over the following months, eligible customers will be notified and will see the ad credit applied in their Google Ads account.

How much are the ad credits?

The ad credit amount will vary by customer based on past Google Ads spend, and the country and currency where the business and Google Ads account is set up.

Click here for full details about Google COVID-19 support package.

How are we helping businesses at Click Return?

For many businesses these are very confusing times. Some companies are struggling to survive, while others are growing with the change in customer behaviour.

We are consulting with all our customers on the best way to manage their online presence depending on the following criteria:

  • Can you still provide your service or products now?
  • Have you adapted your service to the current situation?
  • How has customer demand for your service changed?
  • Have you changed your marketing message to be in line with the current situation?

Depending on the answers to these questions we are helping businesses plan their marketing to:
1. Survive, retain customers & bounce back quickly when normal service resumes.
2. Pivot their offer & marketing so they can thrive now.

For information on Google Pay-Per-Click Advertising check out our Digital Marketing Services.
For information on our Search Engine Optimisation Consultants check out our SEO Marketing Services.
For information on Website Design and Build check out our website design packages.