Cheap Websites Click Return

Why cheap websites cost you a fortune?

As a website design company in Barnet, there is a common issue we have come across time and time again – free or cheap websites! So, you’ve got yourself a bargain website.  Great! Maybe it was completely free or very, very cheap. Now it’s gone live and you’re expecting to see a mountain of enquiries or prospects. However, no matter how long you wait, they just never seem to arrive. Sound familiar? That’s why today we are answering the question: why do cheap websites cost you a fortune?

Often when we take on a client, we find that their current website is failing them. To understand why it is failing, we have identified a number of frequent problems. If you have a website you may recognise these issues:
• Takes time loading
• Poor navigation
• Poor design
• Content isn’t relevant
• Information is hard to find
• Not Mobile/ Tablet friendly
• Can’t be found on search engines

As a result, your users leave to visit another website. Now you are left in the same problem. I need a new website …

This is why Click Return clients get enquiries! We recognise your website needs to generate customers. Therefore, our websites are designed to do just that, they will:
• Load quickly
• Have a clear navigation
• Include key information where you need it
• Designed for Desktop, mobiles and tablets
• Visible on search engines
• Google analytics setup
• Google search console
• Monthly reports

As a result, website users stay on the website and make an enquiry or make a purchase from you.

For information on Website Design and Build check out our website design packages.
For information on our Search Engine Optimisation Consultants check out our SEO Marketing Services.
For information on Google Pay-Per-Click Advertising check out our Digital Marketing Services.