Marketing Segmentation Click Return

Marketing Segmentation

Marketing Segmentation

Marketing Segmentation is the division of the market or population into groups with similar buying preferences and characteristics. Commonly used features for segmentation include:

  • geographic differences
  • personality differences
  • demographic differences
  • use of product differences
  • psychographic differences

Businesses can use multiple digital marketing channels to target a particular segment.

AdWords PPC – text and display:

1. Network choice
– Search & Display Network
– Search Network only
– Display Network only

2. Device
– desktop & laptops
– mobile devices
– tablets

3. Operating system (available for mobile targeted campaigns)
4. Device models (available for mobile targeted campaigns)
5. Operator and Wi-Fi (available for mobile targeted campaigns)
6. Location
7. Languages
8. Demographic targeting (age, gender, parental status) – Display Network only
9. Interests, Topics – Display Network only
10. Placements (sites you want your advertising appear on) – Display Network only
11. Re-marketing lists
12. Scheduling – days of the week, hours.

AdWords PPC Video ads(youtube and other display network websites):

1. Demographic targeting (age, gender, parental status)
2. Topics
3. Interests
4. Placements
5. Keywords
6. Re-marketing lists


1. Location
2. Demographics
3. Interests
4. Behaviours
5. Connections
6. Custom built audiences
7. Lookalike audiences


1. Geographical location
2. Day of the week
3. Time of day
4. Gender and age
5. Device

For information on PPC contact us for google pay-per-click advertising.
For information on Search Engine Optimisation contact Search Engine Optimisation Consultants.
For information on Website Design and Build check out our website design packages.