Website Design Company Barnet Click Return

Website Design Company Barnet: BEFA

Website Design Company Barnet: BEFA2019


Website Design Company Barnet: BEFA

Website Design Company Barnet: Business Excellence Forum Awards 2019.


The staff at click return – Website Design Company Barnet – were very satisfied with their trip and experience at the Business Excellence Forum Awards at the Telford International Centre. The Event took place over the course of three days. Click return sponsored a stand and invited many delegates to book an appointment with our company director Brad to discuss potential business. 1160 people attended BEFA2019.


We asked Brad what did he gain and what stood out from BEFA2019. He particularly enjoyed the seminars with Sir Clive Woodward and James Clear .


We as a company applied a strategy to improve our working environment that Sir Clive Woodward mentioned; a company handbook with rules and team agreements. For example some of our staff feel our office is to warm and stuffy, yet others feel too cold sitting at their desks. Brad organised a staff meeting where the issue was discussed and the team was made to finalise an agreement on turning on/off the heating and air conditioning in the office. We all agreed the office temperature is to stay at 20C unless the whole group agrees that the heating/air con should be switched on. Since then, there has been no disagreement between us and we are progressing and moving forward together. We even have an office thermometer! The point of this is that we all came to an agreement which resolved an issue and now the issue has been dismissed and we can focus on working well as a company and delivering successfully to clients.


Brad is currently reading James Clear’s new book called Atomic Habits and he is finding it very fascinating so far! He also says that since hearing James speak at BEFA2019, he has applied some of his strategies to his work and has improved his daily bad habits. Good Job Brad!


Click Return sponsored the marketing category for the awards and chose the winner for Best Marketing Campaign. Entrance for the award had marketing campaigns that varied from traditional direct mail techniques, to modern facebook live video streaming. The winner for this category was Maxitile Ltd. Maxitile used their ActionCOACH training from a recent Andy Bounds training seminar to perfect their target audience and make a compelling marketing letter that produced a huge return on investment. This marketing was a direct result of attending BEFA2018.


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