Click Return Online Marketing Go White Water Rafting
On Thursday 4th July 2019 we experienced one of the greatest team building activities you could ever have. Interested to know what that could be? Well, the Click Return online marketing office headed to Lee Valley White Water Rafting for an action packed evening on the waves. Under the clear, warm summer sky the team was members of the St Albans BNI group and family/friends was itching to cool off in the water. Arriving at our destination, our rafting ragtag group headed for safety briefing and kit distribution.
Shortly after, we was greeted by our captain who talked through the basic skills and safety elements of rafting so we could survive the course. However, before joining our captain in the raft we had to complete an activity assessment. Consisting of each member flinging themselves into the tidal rapids and swimming back out. As we all finally become certified, worthy to hold the Lee Valley paddles we braced ourselves for the Olympic rapids.
By now there was no going back, we was slowly being pulled up a conveyor belt towards a large body of calm water before being sucked into the fast thrashing water. Looking around the raft I could see the faces of excitement, anticipation and pure fear.
Our Captain gave the command: “everybody forward!” He yelled. Some frantically paddling, while overs reluctantly exerted a small force to drive the raft over the edge of our first drop. We hurdled down the rapids with immense speed and emerged at the bottom with adrenaline pulsing through our veins.
We spent over 1 hour battling the course, surfing the waves and some even going overboard. Which can be seen in the images below, as well as others of us having fun.

It wont be long before we go back. Thank you for having us Lee Valley – Go White Water Rafting!
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