Free 6 Week
Digital Marketing Course Videos


Friday 12th February 11am – 12pm


Online through Zoom Video Conferencing

  • Week 1. Target Market
  • Week 2. Website Copy
  • Week 3. Marketing Channels
  • Week 4. Focus Keywords
  • Week 5. Monitor Results
  • Week 6. Build Reputation
  • BONUS Week 7. 90-day plan

Free 6 Week Digital Marketing Course Videos

Week 1

  • Target Market
    • Sector
    • Size
    • Geography
  • Customer Avatar
    • The Why Stack
    • Demographics
  • Your Offer

Week 2

  • Website Copy
    • Home Page
    • Thank You Page
  • Social Proof
  • Calls To Action – R.A.G.
  • Lead Magnet

Week 3

Marketing Channels

  • Google Organic
  • Google Paid
  • Social Media Organic
  • Social Media Paid
  • Referral Programme
  • Email

Training Course Week 3 Recording

Coming Soon

Week 4

  • Focus Keywords
    • Analysis (done for you)
    • Focus
    • Advertising
  • Copy For SEO
  • Catch Up From The Previous 3 Weeks

Training Course Week 4 Recording

Coming Soon

Week 5

Test and Measure

  • Your Marketing KPIs
  • The Compound Effect
  • Target Setting

Training Course Week 5 Recording

Coming Soon

Week 6

Build Reputation

  • Testimonials
  • Reviews
  • Case Studies
  • Accreditations
  • Awards
  • Community

Training Course Week 6 Recording

Coming Soon

Week 7


90-Day Planning

  • Baseline Performance
  • 90-Day Goals
  • Actions
  • Prioritising
  • Diarising The Plan

Training Course Bonus Week 7 Recording

Coming Soon

GET EXTRA CREDITS: Reading list……

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The Jelly Effect
by Andy Bounds.

The Snowball Effect
by Andy Bounds.

The snowball effect

Marketing Made Simple
by Donald Miller.

Building a Story Brand
by Donald Miller.

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Why wait? Book a call with Brad for a taster session where together you’ll both brainstorm a plan.

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